Flakey Biscuits- Honestly the best biscuits you will ever put in your mouth

If you read the title, what are you waiting for!? These are the best biscuits in the whole wide world! 


3 cups all purpose flour- I used King Arthur

2 tablespoons sugar

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

2 sticks unsalted butter (frozen)- put them in the freezer for 30 minutes

1 1/4 cup buttermilk


Mix together the all the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl. 

Take your 2 sticks of frozen butter and lightly coat it in your flour mixture. Score 1 tablespoons worth on both sticks of butter and grate both of the on the largest setting on your grater until you reach the end of the stick where you marked the one tablespoon (don't go beyond that leave the 1 tablespoon). 

Take all of your grated butter and add it to your flour mixture . Now coat the butter so that each pice gets coated. Don't mix it in just make sure all the butter has a nice flour coat!

Now add 1 1/4 cup buttermilk into your bowl and just stir it until it comes together. It's not going to come together as much as you think it will and you might want to add more liquid but please don't!

Flour a clean work surface, now it's layer time! 

Dump your dough out on the work surface and pat it into a 7 inch square. Now roll it into a 9"12 inch  (short end closest to you) rectangle making sure to touch it as little as you can so the butter doesn't melt. 

Now it's time to fold! You're going to fold this like a business letter so the end closest to you, you're going to fold and then the at the top of the fold you're just going to fold that on top of the one you just did . It's great to have a spatula flipper or a bench scrapper to making the folding super easy!  

Lightly pat it into a log and press down so that the layers stick. Now rotate it so the short end is closest to you and now you do it 4 more times!

On the last fold (the 5th), when you roll it out you're going to do an 8 1/2" square. Make sure it's rolled out evenly!

Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper underneath, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees 

Once the 30 minute sis up, transfer to a lightly floured cutting board, flour a sharp knife and  trim a 1/4 inch off all the edges.

Next, cut it into 9 even squares.

Now take 1 rimmed baking sheet and the one you just used for the refrigeration and put the one that doesn't have parchment on the bottom (so they are now together). Place the biscuits on the parchment lined one (but the other one should be on the bottom, pretty please!) and set them up so they are about 1 inch apart from each other. 

With the 1/4 inch scraps that you have, you can take another 2 baking sheets the same as you did for the square biscuits and make the dough into little rosettes! They taste just as good and they look cool! 

The 2 tablespoons of butter that you used a bit ago you're going to melt and brush on top of each biscuit (including your rosettes), now place them in the oven on the upper middle rack for 20-25 minutes and rotate it half way through. 

YOU DID IT!! I'm so proud of you! Now it's time to enjoy your biscuits!! Have them with some jam, extra butter if you're feeling down for it or make an amazing sandwich! Ohh man, or you could drizzle some honey over one, yummy! Do anything you please with these biscuits!


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