The best croissant you will ever eat, and you made them...

"AH, you almost made me drop my CROISSANT!" 
This recipe is based on Joshua Weissman's croissants!

Day 1:
- Proof yeast in water
- Whisk together bread flour, sugar, and salt. Create a well and add egg, yeast mixture, and melted butter. Combine into a dough with a rubber spatula  and knead by hand a few times.
- Slap and fold repeatedly for a minute or so until a smooth surface forms. Rest for 10 minutes.
- Stretch and fold. Rest for 10 minutes. Stretch and fold. Rest for 25 minutes.
- Move dough to a sheet of wax paper and roll into a 7” x 7” block.
- Rest dough for 12 hours.

Day 2: 
- Make a 4” x 4” Beurrage (butter block/square), refrigerate 30 minutes
-  Roll out the dough and wrap the butter in it snuggly. 
- Flip the encased dough over and press into a flatter shape.
- Roll the dough into an 18” rectangle. 
- Perform the first (envelope) fold. Tap down with a rolling pin, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for one hour. 
- Roll it out longways to 18” long and fold again (letter style)
- Wrap in plastic, refrigerate for one hour
- Roll dough out to a 10” wide rectangle of ¾ “ thick. Rest the dough for 30 minutes if it resists you in anyway and returns to it previous shape
- Cut dough into 4” based isosceles triangles. Elongate slightly and roll into croissant shape. 
- Brush with egg wash and proof 2 hours. Brush again with egg wash and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes


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