This pasta is so fun, yummy and easy to make! What more could you ask for? You can make a double recipe and freeze some so you always have some "fresh" pasta around. Or make a double recipe and eat all of it!
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 large eggs

Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl and pour onto a clean surface. Add in the eggs and slowly with a fork mix in the flour.

After the flour and egg mixture is incorporated knead for 5 minutes until it looks this

Take the bowl from the flour and salt and place your dough in it for 40 minutes. Make sure to cover it with a towel! Once the dough has taken a small nap cut it into 4 pieces and roll it out. Now if you have a pasta maker you can use that, if you don't you can use a rolling pin and if you don't have that then you can use a water bottle or a glass.

The thinner you want your pasta the longer you have to roll it or put it on a higher setting on the pasta machine. I put it on the 7th setting and it was perfect. Then take a knife or put it through your favorite setting on your machine. Don't forget to put some flour on the dough and your shirt before you put it through the pasta machine!

Get some water boiling in a pot and add you pasta in. Make sure to mix it after you've put in or else it will stick together.

Then put some sauce on it and take some pictures. If it looks like it's about to fall on your camera you know it's working! Hope you had fun making this, I know I did!


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